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  • Writer's pictureNewcastle Eagles Fans

Eagles POTD

We recently used our social media to find out a fans player of the decade.

The final 16 were chosen carefully with some input from other fans on the social media platforms. Notable absentees included Drew Sullivan who didn't play much for the Eagles during the decade.

I decided there was no fair way to seed the brackets so I just randomised the draw. This brought a very interesting half of the bracket including 4 MVP winners!

The first round was pretty straight forward according to the results. Very one sided ties. Moving into the second round there was an epic battle between Drew Lasker and Charles Smith. Over the 24 hours that the polls were open the lead changed several times with Charles Smith just overtaking Drew in the final few hours. The other ties were pretty one sided apart from Fletcher vs Chapman. Moving into the semi finals and Rahmon and Fab had enough to move into the final. The final was pretty close all the way through the vote. The players were level at different times during the day. Again, in the final few hours Rahmon pulled away and won by 11 votes.

It was really interesting to hear people's reasons for voting for certain players and it was brilliant hearing different memories of players as they all brought so much talent to the Eagles! Well Done to Rahmon Fletcher who is a joy to watch...Hopefully many more years to come!

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